Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Find Trinity Church

Here is where our church is located in Rensselaerville, NY.  It is where the star is on the right hand side of the map.  We are located at the end of Trinity Lane, just off Albany Hill Rd. and County Route 351.

Summer Service Schedule

Beginning Sunday June 10, 2012, we will move to our summer schedule and services will begin at 8:30 am.

Services at 8:30 am will continue through to Sunday, September 2, 2010, which is the Sunday before Labor Day.

Following Labor Day, on Sunday September 9, 2012, we will resume our Sunday service time of 11 am.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sermon -- Trinity Sunday 2012

We probably have all seen Rublev's icon of the Trinity. It depicts our Patron, the Trinity, as three angels, the angels that visited our father Abraham near the oaks of Mamre. (The minister circulates a large copy of the icon and mentions it is on the church blog)

In his picture, Rublev shows us what we know about this Holy One who Isaiah has seen in his vision that was read to us. We know about this Holy One primarily through Jesus. As scripture has told us “Jesus is the image of the unseen God.”

So the Christian tradition boldly claims to have some knowledge about this mysterious figure – that Rudolf Otto calls the “mysterium tremendum et fascians"  - this scary but fascinating mystery. All of our knowledge of God comes from Jesus.

Rublev depicts our three Patrons in his picture as sitting in a circle. On the right, the Holy Spirit has a garment of the clear blue of the sky, wrapped over with a robe of a fragile green. The Spirit of creation moves in sky and water, breathes in heaven and earth. All living things owe their freshness to his touch.